Cockpit management, engine start, runup

Objective: To understand the procedures and reasons for the tasks of ground operations prior to taxiing and flying the aircraft.

Content: Correct cockpit management including proper arranging and securing of materials and equipment, maintenance of records pertinent to flight, adjustment of equipment (seats, belts, rudder pedals, etc.), and proper passenger briefing; correct procedure for engine start and instrument check, use of checklist and runup tasks.

Airworthy aircraft. PTS. Aeronautical charts. Checklists.

Ground lesson (in/by aircraft): 20 minutes
Student practice: 20 minutes

Preflight: (see lesson plan) motivate, explain, list common errors, observe (in another session) student performance of ground operations. Demonstrate fastidiousness by example.

First lesson: Attend to explanation
Future lessons: Demonstrate proper fulfillment of ground operations tasks, particularly involving use of checklists.

Completion Standards:
Exhibits knowledge of elements of cockpit management and starting procedures, organizes materials and items for appropriate accessibility, shows proper passenger briefing technique, completes checklists for preflight and engine starting, understands all elements of the runup checklist and performs them accordingly.




Cockpit management, engine start, runup

Review: Preflight visual inspection
Objective: Proper management of cockpit resources, use of checklists, correct engine start procedure, correct runup procedure
Materials: checklists

INTRODUCTION: Attention/motivation: (1 minute)
I'm really not an anal retentive person by nature. My room is always a mess. Are you the same way? But when it comes to flying, this is a good time to start becoming fastidious in one aspect of your life. You don't want charts everywhere, instruments unread, an unfindable flashlight: Your life will be easier and safer by getting these things in order, and doing them the same way, all the time.

Cockpit management explanation: (5 minutes)
Some of this has been covered in the preflight discussion. What do you need aboard the aircraft? Develop your own personal checklist. Among the items to be included are: AROW (airworthiness certificate, registration, operating handbook, weight-and-balance data), your pilot's certificate and medical, all appropriate checklists, current aeronautical charts for the areas flown (in our space, that includes the Class B terminal chart), kneeboard, headset, spare pens, flashlight and spare batteries, cross-country log sheets, Airport Facilities Directory, clock/watch. Other items for consideration: flight logbook, sunglasses, hat with a bill, handheld transceiver, airsickness bags for passengers, handheld GPS.
Before flight: Have the appropriate items accessible. Adjust seat, seatbelts, rudder pedals, vents, etc. Brief passengers including operation of (1) seatbelts (2) doors (3) emergency equipment (e.g. fire extinguisher)
During flight: keep proper records of flight progress.
After flight: Gather your stuff and organize it properly for future flights.

Engine start and runup explanation: (3 minutes)
Most important thing: demonstrate to student by using the POH checklist for engine start, and for runup, for the given aircraft. Explain all items on the checklists while performing them, and having the student perform them. Emphasize safety precautions.
Pilots must then obtain ATIS and get permission to taxi before moving.

Common errors: cockpit management (1 minute)

Stuff is not secured, or accessible
Flight progress not appropriately recorded
Equipment not adjusted
Checklist items missed
Poor passenger briefing

Common errors: engine start and runup (1 minute)

Not following checklist
Engine not preheated (winter)
Not clearing area before turning prop
Oil pressure not checked immediately
Hazardous priming
Maintaining excessive RPM after start
Taxi without proper radio procedure

Oral evaluation/quiz and discussion questions: (5 minutes)
Q: You're about to take off on your night flight and discover that you've left your flashlight in the car. Is it that important? What should you do?
Q: You lent your sectional charts to someone else, and now you're in the office picking up the notebook for the plane. What do you need to do?
Q: The seat won't move and reaching the pedals is tough. Is the plane, in yr opinion, airworthy?
Q: Can you fly the plane legally without one of the AROW or your certificate and medical?
Q: What is the order of tasks for engine start?
Q: What will you need to do after engine start and prior to taxiing?
Q: Why do we do a runup? What is the purpose of each runup task?