Lazy eights teach precise control of pitch and bank in all combinations and steady, constant application. Students will learn what a lazy eight looks like and how it works.

Reasons for lazy eights. Procedures. Practice.

Picture of Lazy Eight (from Jeppesen Commercial Maneuvers chapter or maneuvers booklet), model airplane, airworthy aircraft

Preflight ground school (30 minutes)
Getting aircraft airborne and instructor demonstrations (20 minutes)
Student practice (50 minutes)
Postflight feedback (10 minutes)

Preflight: (see lesson plan) motivate, explain, have student be an armchair pilot, list common errors, discuss.
In flight: Demonstrate proper lazy eights while talking through them. Coach and encourage student.
Postflight: Give feedback and suggestions.

Preflight: Attend to explanation, be an armchair pilot, answer questions
In flight: Perform new maneuvers after demonstration
Postflight: Ask questions.

Completion standards:
Choose suitable entry altitude (above 1500 AGL) and 90-degree reference point. Establish recommended entry power and airspeed. Correct planning and aircraft mastery during the maneuver for a constant change of pitch, bank, and turn rate.
Altitude and airspeed constant at 90 points +/-100 ft. and +/-10 kts, at stalling speed +5 to +10.
At 180-degreee points, heading +/-10 degrees.
At completion of maneuver, original altitude and airspeed +/-100 ft. and +/-10 kts.


Review: chandelles and steep turns
Objective: Understanding of lazy eights before trying them
Materials: Illustration, handout

Attention/motivation: (1 minute)
You're good now with the pitch, and can hold an altitude in the turns, but do you think you can make all the kinds of turns and pitch changes work simultaneously, very subtly? This is the maneuver for you. Two full minutes of sheer flying pleasure.

Overview and explanation: (long: maybe 15 minutes)
Use diagram, model plane, the Jeppesen notes (attached) and this chart:
(oh, and this admonishment:) THIS IS A SLOW MANEUVER
Choose a reference point. Maneuver perpendicular to the wind. Divide attention properly.


 Initial  Straight-and-level
 Up to 45º Climbing turn:
pitch up
bank increase
 45º Pitch: maximum
Bank: 15º
 Up to 90º Pitch: decrease angle to horizon
Bank: increase angle
airspeed = stall +5 to +10
Fall through turn:
Pitch: level
Bank: maximum (30º)
Up to 135º Pitch: lower nose
Bank: begin to roll out
135º Pitch: lowest
Bank: continue to roll out
 180º At original altitude, heading, and airspeed
Pitch: level
Bank: level

Armchair piloting: (4 minutes)
What is the order of the steps? Do them.

Common errors:
#1: Trying to do it too fast. Excessive controlling
not clearing the area
poor selection of reference points
uncoordinated flight
poor planning = unsymmetrical loops
inconsistent airspeeds, altitudes, headings at key points

Oral evaluation/quiz and discussion questions:
Q: What is the purpose of this maneuver?
Q: What are the proper power settings and airspeed for starting the maneuver?
Q: When is the maximum pitch? Bank? Level pitch? Roll out?
Q: Is there any point in this maneuver when the pilot is moving only elevator or only ailerons?