Objective: Practice of traffic-pattern-like maneuvers, dividing attention, and wind drift correction, by the flying of a rectangular course. Altitude and airspeed are held constant, and distance from a rectangular area on the ground is kept constant.

Content: Use of ground reference points to control path, division of attention outside and inside aircraft, control of altitude, correction of path for wind drift

Airworthy aircraft. PTS. Visual aids (AFH, p. 6-5).

Ground lesson: 12 minutes
Instructor demonstration: 10 minutes
Student practice: 20 minutes
Postflight feedback: 3 minutes

Preflight: (see lesson plan) motivate, explain, have student be an armchair pilot, list common errors, discuss.
In flight: Demonstrate proper rectangular course while talking through it. Coach and encourage student.
Postflight: Give feedback and suggestions.

Preflight: Attend to explanation, be an armchair pilot, answer questions
In flight: Perform new maneuver after demonstration
Postflight: Ask questions.

Completion standards: Divides attention inside and outside the plane, corrects properly for wind drift, maintains altitude ±100 ft., airspeed ±10 knots. (These go hand in hand)


Review: Maneuvers done during introductory flights
Objective: Student will practice traffic-pattern-like maneuver, learning to divide attention (traffic and course outside, altitude and airspeed inside) and correct for wind drift, by the flying of a rectangular course.
Materials: AFH picture, in-flight maneuver checklist, model plane

INTRODUCTION: Attention/motivation: (1 minute)
Show me how you steer a car. Now imagine for a moment that the road itself is moving sideways. What would you have to do? In a car, when we want to follow the road and track along a line, we just steer that way. The medium is rubber tires on a road, and wind is basically irrelevant. But in a plane, the medium is air, and the wind pushes that around. To follow a pattern on the ground-for example when you might want to get lined up with a runway-we need to compensate for the wind. This first maneuver will start you on the way to doing that.

DEVELOPMENT: Overview and explanation: (5 minutes)
Instructor explains the maneuver, using model plane and picture from page 6-5 of the AFH
Pick a suitable spot, with an emergency landing area within gliding distance.
2. Determine wind direction. (How?)
3. Low-level setup: boost pump on
4. 600-1000 AGL
5. Enter at 45º to downwind (as in traffic pattern)
6. Downwind to crosswind: steep to medium turn (more than 90º)
7. Crosswind to upwind: medium to shallow turn (less than 90º)
8. Upwind to crosswind: shallow to medium turn (less than 90º)
9. Crosswind to downwind: medium to steep turn (more than 90º)
10. Exit at point of entry
11. Cruise checklist

Armchair piloting: (2 minutes)
Student enacts the correct kinds of turns while imagining the rectangular course.

Common errors: (2 minutes)

Selection of landing site without emergency landing area
Poor planning or division of attention
Uncoordinated flight
Improper wind-drift correction
Not maintaining altitude/airspeed

Oral evaluation/quiz and discussion questions: (2 minutes)
Q: How do you select a good rectangular site?
Q: What are the PTS standards for this maneuver?
Q: What steepness of turn do you need at each of the corners?
Q: What's the purpose of this maneuver: what are you practicing (practicing for)?