Objective: Aircraft control and coordination while turning in both directions and maintaining regular-radius ground track during s-turns across a road

Content: Aircraft control, ground track, wind-drift correction, division of attention inside and out

Airworthy aircraft. PTS. Visual aids

Ground lesson: 15 minutes
Instructor demonstration: 5 minutes
Student practice: 15 minutes
Postflight feedback: 5 minutes

Preflight: (see lesson plan) motivate, explain, have student be an armchair pilot, list common errors, discuss.
In flight: Demonstrate proper s-turns across a road while talking through it. Coach and encourage student.
Postflight: Give feedback and suggestions.

Preflight: Attend to explanation, be an armchair pilot, answer questions
In flight: Perform s-turns across a road after demonstration
Postflight: Ask questions.

Completion Standards:
Selects reference line with appropriate emergency-landing areas. Enters downwind. Applies wind-drift to maintain half-circle radius. Altitude ±100, airspeed ±10


Review: Turns around a point
Objective: Aircraft control, ground track, wind-drift correction, division of attention inside and out
Materials: AFH p. 6-5, model plane

INTRODUCTION: Attention/motivation: (1 minute)
It's nothing but fun: turning the plane and keeping the ground track. We did it with turns around a point, and now this maneuver is a bit more advanced but requires the exact same skills. This time, instead of correcting for a wind while going just one direction or the other in a circle, we'll change half-way around and go the other way, making an S.

DEVELOPMENT: Overview and explanation: (5 minutes)
We're going to go across a line in both directions, making an S with a perfect semicircle on both sides.
1. Select a site: straight line perpendicular to wind, with emergency landing sites nearby, not too near houses
3. BCGUMPS check: just the boost pump (low-level maneuver)
4. 600-1000 AGL
5. Enter perpendicular to the roadway, going downwind, cruise power
6. Steepest bank is going downwind, medium at crosswind, shallow on upwind. Stay coordinated
7. Eyes inside and out: reference line for radius, traffic, instruments for altitude
8. On crossing the line going upwind, reverse course: shallow turn while going upwind, medium bank crosswind, and steepening to the downwind.
9. Straight-and-level when crossing the line.

Armchair piloting: (5 minutes)
Student simulates doing s-turns around a road, correcting for wind drift. Instructor kibitzes and assists.

Common errors: (2 minutes)

Not clearing area
Site without emergency landing areas
Inadequate division of attention
Asymmetrical ground track
Turning too steeply when reversing course (and going upwind)
Altitude or airspeed not attended to
Uncoordinated flight

Oral evaluation/quiz and discussion questions: (3 minutes)
Q: What is the purpose of practicing this maneuver?
Q: What are the PTS tolerances?
Q: When will you have the steepest bank?
Q: When will you have the shallowest bank?